Sunday, January 27, 2008

Count Down!

Well, I'm not posting the exact date, but I can tell you we're counting down the days until we leave for Angela's Make A Wish trip! This has really gotten to be an "over the top" kind of thing. And here I thought they "just" sent you on a trip!

Next weekend there will be a pre-wish party for 12 at Angela's favorite restaurant, Applebees. She doesn't know it yet, but we'll be picked up at the house by a fire truck, and I've been told the local fire department has a special gift for her. They will then drive us IN THE FIRE TRUCK to Applebees, where other family and friends will be waiting.

The following week Angela and I are having a girls morning at Spalon Montage
where our fingers, toes, and Angela's hair will be beautified. ( found out about this just a few hours after I'd just had my hair done! LOL) Our wish coordinator remembered reading about Angela wanting a green mohawk, but sadly, her mother won't allow it. LOL So Angela will be getting some foiled colors and a cut. I'm sure she'll be in 7th heaven!

Back to crossing off the days on the calendar!

1 comment:

  1. Where are you guys going? Disney? I can't wait to hear all about it!


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