Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Favorite Recipe

Last night I had THE BEST dessert! In fact, it was so good I ate the whole thing and didn't share with Angela OR any of the dogs! And NO, am not completely heartless! Shees! Later on I let Angela make a smaller cake all by herself!

Here's what you do:

Go to your local grocery store and buy flower, eggs, oil one Betty Crocker Warm Delights.

There are several different flavors available. My favorite is the Molten Carmel Cake, but the Molten Cocolate Cake is pretty darned good too if you're needing a chocolate fix.

For those of you who are watching your calorie count, they also have MINI versions of these! Really, it ends up about the size of half a cup cake.

These things are super easy to make, just add water, stir and toss it in the microwave. They're so easy that Angela can make them without ANY help. I've told her, "Honey, this is how we bake a cake." And because that's pretty much all the baking she's ever seen go on here, she believes me!

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