Friday, June 29, 2007

An Amazing 11 years

A couple of weeks ago (June 6th) Angela turned 11 years old. It's been a scary, eventful, amazing, life-changing, glorious 11 years. I made a little video to remember them by.


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    That was AWESOME! I love seeing pictures of Angela and I REALLY hope that Natalie and I can meet you all some day. Great job!

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Leah-I so enjoyed the video. Angela truly is AMAZING in every way. I think my favorite photo is the one near the beginning when she has the cute little pixie ponytails that stick straight up!I've missed speaking with you lately. Give me a call or email and catch me up.

  3. What a beautiful gift Angela is to your loving family!
    Would you like to share this post with the blogging community in the carnival?
    I am hosting the first ever Down sydrome blog carnival tomorrow August 12th, on Cause of Our Joy . If you have a favorite post about Down syndrome to share, please email it to me ASAP, and I'll post it.
    Don't worry if you missed this one, we'll be doing this every week on different blogs, so you can join in another time, or host it yourself. I just thought this would be a great opportunity to get to know one another better and spread Down syndrome awareness.
    Hope to see you at the carnival!
    Leticia Velasquez

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Wow! Thank you for directing me to this site. My Son Jeremiah has hiw own site as well.
    This video was awesome!
    Tom Zurowski


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