Monday, May 14, 2007


Well, I never heard from the neurosurgeon over the weekend. I tried really really hard to be patient, but by Sunday my patience had run thin. As much as I tried to tell myself "no news is good news" I just couldn't hold out any longer. So I called the neurosurgeon on call, who pulled up Angela's chart and read me the notes from Friday's angiogram. It said, "No evidence of vascularopathy, and no evidence of Moyamoya."

That means that Angela does NOT have any vascular disease, nor does she has MMD! That was music to my ears. What we still don't know is why she's having right-brain disfunction, and if she'll continue to have it. I have lots of questions for the neurosurgeon, but until I hear from him I'm in the dark!


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Leah, just writing this to let you know I'm checking in to read how you're doing. So glad the MRI showed no vascularmyopathy, and keeping my fingers crossed (and my heart up in my throat...) that whatever it is, it's either fixable or it'll pass eventually, leaving Angela in good health.
    Hugs to both of ya'll,


  2. Hooray, I love good news! Congratulations!

    I found your blog from the post by Stephanie, do you mind if I link to you?

  3. Great news! I hope you get the answers that you need soon...


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