Monday, April 30, 2007

Lack of organizational skills...HELP?

I wish I could figure out how to get the newer posts to the bottom of the page, and the old ones at that top. Instead I have to tell people to start reading FROM THE BOTTOM of the page. That is just backwards!

Anyway, we are sick here. Angela and I both have strep. She's just tired, while I'm running a fever and pretty much a mess. Sometime during the night Dean was talking to me, but I was hallucinating and thought he was Yira, warrior princess. I have no idea where that come from, but...well...Dean doesn't make a very good warrior princess.

There is a lot to do today. First, the floor guys are supposed to be here at 7:30 to put one last coat on the wood floors. I promise not to mess them up this time and won't set foot on them until this time tomorrow morning. What I'd really like to do is get a hotel, but finding one that will take 3 dogs and 8 puppies might be tough.

10:00 I'm supposed to take Zurri for her level I obedience graduation. Not sure if I'm going to or not. I'm no longer contagious, but I feel like crap. We'll see.

Sometime today.....I need to take Angela to Minneapolis childrens to get hip films and a ton of blood work done. We need to see if her funky gait has affected her hips at all. And the blood work...I dunno, there's a whole list of stuff they're looking for. Some commonly related to DS, and others not so much.

Tonight if Angela is feeling up to it is Special Olympics track and field practice. She loves this!!! Some of her best friends from school are there. She is completely independent while there and rarely has any behavioral issues, which makes me go hhhmmmmmm. But it's already warming up here and since she doesn't sweat this year might prove to be a tough one for her. Last year we had to drop out after the area meet because it was just too hot for her to attend practices.

Amongst all of this, there is a litter of puppies to care for. They're growing fast and their families are so excited to find out which one they're getting. I have a couple matched in my head, but won't make anything final until next week when they've reached 6 weeks old.

For me, today should be a better day. I'll be too busy to do much thinking about anything. You know what they say about "idle hands". Mine certainly won't be today. Thanks so much for thinking of us, and praying for us. I don't think I can wait till Weds to talk to the Neurologist. That is just too far away. I'll try him today and see if he's heard anything from the other dr.s and if he's had time to research whatever it is he was looking for. I'm thinking it was a needle in a haystack.

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