Sunday, October 29, 2006

Life is crazy in my house

Life is crazy in my house. And pun intended! There are days when I wonder how I'm going to maintain my sanity and make it to the next one. People are constantly asking me how I do it? Well...I don't...HE does! HE keeps me going. HE helps me get the overwhelming number of errands, doctor appointments and other tasks done. Apparently, though, HE doesn't feel the housework is that important because I never seem to be able to get it done......sigh......

It's two more days until Halloween, and Angela is so excited. Quite awhile ago she decided she wanted to be an astronaut. It took me a bit to pull together a costume, but I did. When I asked her what I should be, she looked at me like I was clearly not thinking this all the way through, because what else could I be, except for an "Astronaut helper"? D..U...H!

But the best was a couple days ago. The new church we found was having a harvest festival and the kids needed to dress like cowboys/girls. As is typical for me, I remembered this event somewhere around 5:00 pm, and it started at 6:45. Cowboy clothes were NOT something I had floating around here. But I had a flash of intelligence, and remembered the neighbor boy who is king of dress-up! I called and talked to his mom, who just so happened to be cleaning up their basement playroom and had just gathered all the cowboy stuff into one spot. About 5 minutes later her kids were at my door with the anticipated western gear. Angela was thrilled to death, and couldn't wait to get the stuff on. I must admit, she makes one very beautiful cowgirl!

1 comment:

  1. Those are GREAT pictures! Angela makes a gorgeous cowgirl!


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