Friday, July 01, 2005

First Day at the Office

It seems my 16 year old son Tyler is really coming into his own now, however frustrating and scary it might be for me, his mom. I understand my own parents so much better now!

Tyler has been trying desparately to find a job for several weeks, filling out countless job applications to no avail. It's tough for a kid to learn hard lessons. Lessons like, it doesn't matter how YOU like to dress, if you want a job you have to dress differently. This means showering, trimming nails, wearing clothes that are not your old favorite standbys, AND removing all your peircings from your ears!

Tyler, unlike most kids his age, truly enjoys physical labor. Having a behavioral disorder, he prefers to work in isolation where people aren't constantly talking to him. He is very insightful about himself, and the things that "set him off", the things that he does and does not like to do, and the types of people that he can/cannot work around. He has spent the past school year working in a construction trades program at our local Technical college and loved it. He's also helped us do landscaping here, moving 25 tons of boulders by hand to build a retaining wall in our back yard. Unfortunately, being insightful didn't help him land a job!

I was about to take desparate measures, and bring Tyler to the local workforce center to see if they could do anything for him. The night before we were to go I prayed that God would help me to help him feel successful as a soon-to-be adult. That we could find him something that, being his very first job experience, would be something he liked doing.

The next morning I was running errands, and headed home on a route I don't normally take. Just a few miles from home I saw a sign at a roadside mom & pop veggie/landscaping stand. "Help wanted. Must have good work ethic! Apply inside." HHmmmm I turned around and went into the small open-front store and spoke to the woman there. I wanted to find out if they were looking for till help (not up Tyler's alley!) or what. When she told me they were looking for landscaping help, I could hardly wait to get home to get Tyler and bring him back!

Tyler started his very first job yesterday. He's working 12 hour days doing anything from planting trees to hauling rock. You know, all those things that landscapers do. But 12 hour days! My baby is working 12 hour days! Not only that, but it's hard physical labor! He didn't get home until 9:00 last night, and I don't know when I've ever seen him look so tired, but he was STILL smiling, talking about how he's going to spend his paycheck, yada yada yada.

Thank you God, for putting that sign on the road. For giving my son something he loves to do, and for helping me to let go!

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